Title: Butcher, Baker and Nightmare Maker
Run Time : 1:00
In the deep recesses of his lair, the Butcher makes his mark on the victim. Some may consider his work vulgar and disgusting, but the end product is certainly worth displaying. This quick look into the dark secrets of a demented artist is sure to carve a place in your psyche. Running time is only 1 minute, so don't blink.
Digital Film Festival - Best Horror Short
Digital Film Festival - Best Editing
Indy Horror Film Festival - Nominee - Best Short
Indy Horror Film Festival - Nominee - Best Cinematography
Action on Film Festival – Official Selection
Fright Night Film festival – Official Selection
Chicago Horror Festival - Official Selection
Fear on Fairbanks - Official Selection
Terror Film Festival – Official Selection
Spooky Movie Film Festival – Official Selection
New York City Horror Film Festival – Official Selection
Production Stills, Behind the Scenes