Title: jEnergy Series

Client : Go Green Initiative

Strange Media produced 4 episodes in the jEnergy series for the Go Green Initiative.   The series was created in a sit-com style and episodes varied in length from 3 to 6 minutes.   Centered around Jenna, an over achieving high school student,  each program covered Energy topics.  A cast of regulars joined Jenna in each episode and included her mischievous little brother (Markie),  her artsy talented BFF (Brittany), and a hippy trippy teacher (Miss Nadia).


Title - Energy Apocalypse

Run Time - 3:31

Description - The pilot episode introduces the main cast and tackles the topic of energy and what the world would be like without it.

Title - Carbon Crooner

Run Time - 4:14

Description - The second episode introduces Miss Nadia as she takes the class on a musical journey.   The topic of carbon and emissions and how the two are related.

Title - Breaking News

Run Time - 5:18

Description - The class is tasked with presentations and Jenna chooses a news style broadcast.   Jenna and her News Crew tackle the subject of non-renewable energy.

Title - Energy Express

Run Time - 5:50

Description - The class goes on a field trip in a special way - a flying school bus.  The class learns about renewable energy and its various forms.

Production Stills


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