Title - (a)muse


(a)muse is an on-going mini-documentary series focusing on unique perspectives, passions and people.  Topics range from cycling, to model trains, to scuba diving.   Programs vary in length from 1-5 minutes and highlight unique avocations, passions, people, and subject matter.


For the latest episodes and updates, subscribe to the (a)muse social media channels here:

Title - (l)ittle empire building

Run Time - 5:11

A quick look into the passion of the model train community.

Model railroad designer M.C. Fujiwara describes his journey through the process of model railroad layout and construction.

Title - the (f)reedom of cycling

Run Time - 2:44

Ride along with these passionate road cyclists as they take us on a tour through the Northern California landscape. Their motivation isn't simply exercise. There is great reward in the camaraderie and freedom that it brings. Shot entirely on the DJI Inspire and DJI OSMO and mastered in 4k.

Title: Cycling Teaser

Run Time - 1:27

Title: Launch 2.0

Run Time - 1:03

Title: Terror at the Tibbets

Run Time - :48


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